I have spent a couple of days trying to figure out what happened. Nothing changed in the BIOS to disable VM’s and the upgrade went without error. I sure could use some words of wisdom from someone who might know what the problem is. Research indicates the problem is security related, but I can’t find specific information about security settings for Hyper-V in W2008 R2. The Hyper-V folders holding files have full privileges for System and Administrator and the Virtual Machines group is assigned successfully when a VM is created. I am working under the administrator account. The server is a domain controller. I also removed Hyper-V in W2008 R2 and reinstalled it, but that had no effect.
Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker-Admin
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker
Date: 9/12/2009 2:13:15 PM
Event ID: 3040
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Computer: PNS-SERVER.pronetserv.lcl
‘Symantec AV Manager’ could not initialize. (Virtual machine ID 9C99D5D2-34A1-45A5-814D-30F9145D3D6D)
Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker-Admin
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker
Date: 9/12/2009 2:13:15 PM
Event ID: 3080
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Computer: PNS-SERVER.pronetserv.lcl
‘Symantec AV Manager’ could not create or access saved state file F:\Hyper-V\Symantec AV Manager\Virtual Machines\9C99D5D2-34A1-45A5-814D-30F9145D3D6D\9C99D5D2-34A1-45A5-814D-30F9145D3D6D.vsv. (Virtual machine ID 9C99D5D2-34A1-45A5-814D-30F9145D3D6D)
I had the same problem after Win2k8 RTM to R2 upgrade.
In my case it was NTFS permissions problem (which actually wasn’t a problem for Hyper-V in Win2k8 RTM).
Previously, I have changed default D: drive permissions to only allow ‘Full Access’ for Administrators and SYSTEM group to root of the D: drive.
I solved my problem by adding ‘Authenticated Users’ group to the root of D: drive and allowed ‘List’ permission with a scope ‘This folder only’ (You should do this via Advanced permission management).
Just in case: do NOT check ‘replace all child object permissions’, otherwise you will need to recreate all your VMs configurations from scratch.
Had the same. I have stopped all VMs and restarted the host server, it helped.
Glad it helped.